Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pay your Tithing...or not?

I love the way Collin's mind works. Yesterday as we were driving, he started asking about living in a desert, how can this be a desert even though it gets cold? is Utah a desert? do Matt and Abby live in a desert? you get the idea (the never-ending list of questions).

He wanted to know where was "not a desert". I told him, Pennsylvania...a few seconds later he pipes up, "oh, do they pay lots more tithing? I said that I didn't think so, "well," he responded, "that Snowy guy said to pay tithing and you will get lots of rain." ...a few more seconds of silence... "has Cort paid his tithing yet on his babysitting money, I hope he doesn't because I don't like rain!"


  1. Hey Steffany I was excited to find your blogs! So great to see a little of your life beyond the family letter. I am very impressed with your craft skills. I'm not blessed that way. I finally understood what Etsy is. After you mentioned this in the family letter I have been wondering. You have some great things there.

    Maybe you'll have to have Collin ask Jenny about the rain and if they pay lots of tithing since they live there
